
Andreas Lippert Tange

Patent Consultant

Andreas started as patent attorney in Patentgruppen in 2023. He holds a Master’s Degree in electrical engineering from Aarhus University, and is specialized in digital signal processing. Andreas is drafting patent applications and involved in patent prosecution with care and diligence.

Andreas has experience as an R&D engineer in the defence industry and the robot industry in Denmark, and has, among other things, worked with algorithm design within determination of position and orientation, as well as audio. He has a broad knowledge in the field of signal processing, mathematical modelling and machine learning, as well as a good understanding of embedded programming and analogue and digital electronics.


IP Special Skills
  • Patent drafting
  • Patent processing/examination
Technical Core Competencies
  • Signal processing
  • Mathematical modelling
  • Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Embedded programming
  • Analogue and digital electronics