Ulrich Gramstrup Bærentsen
Ulrich started working in Patentgruppen in 2004, first as a trainee and since 2007 as a patent attorney. In 2018, Ulrich obtained qualification as European Patent Attorney.
Through the years, Ulrich has been working with IPR both as a patent attorney and as an in-house Patent Manager in a company within the wind turbine industry. As an in-house Patent Manager, Ulrich was in charge of developing and maintaining a large IPR portfolio, surveying competitors’ IPR, bringing IPR into focus on all levels of the organisation as well as developing an IPR set up and auditing thereof.
In recent years, Ulrich has combined his position as patent attorney and Partner in Patentgruppen with an in-house position as Patent Manager in two companies. He is fysically present in those two companies on a weekly basis and is responsible for all aspects of IPR, including reporting to the Board and to the Directors, surveillance and maintenance of IPR portfolio, and patent prosecution. This enables a deep collaboration between Patentgruppen and the companies, whereby the companies benefit from having an in-house patent manager with direct acces to Patentgruppen’s expertise.
Ulrich has the ability to support a wide range of the challenges, small and large companies are met with in the process of defining their IP strategy.
- Developing and administrating company IPR
- Auditing of company IPR and IPR setups
- IP strategy
- Extracting and clarifying ideas from within the organization e.g. the development department
- Supporting business strategy through IPR
- Patent drafting, application process and prosecution
- EPO practice
- Analysis and production of idea catalogues
- Automation
- Wind turbine and wind farm data communication
- Wind turbine control
- Control and regulation
- Monitoring wind turbines and wind farms
- Data acquisition from wind turbines and wind farms
- Wind turbine simulation
- Software controlled applications
- High voltage applications, including power converters
- Wind turbine converters
- Wind turbine technology
- Production and handling of hydrogen, including compression, transportation and storage
- Hydrogen fueling of fuel cell electric vehicles