
Patent Portfolio

A patent portfolio analysis is a review of your company’s portfolio of patents and patent applications based on your company’s business activities.

The present and future business activities of a company define what is worth protecting using patents. But what is protected with the patent portfolio?

In some cases, a patent portfolio analysis may reveal that some patents are no longer relevant as the business has developed in other ways, and in other cases an analysis may reveal that parts of the present or future business activities are not adequately covered by patent protection. Ideally, there should be a balance between the business activities and the subject-matter protected by the company’s patent portfolio.

By performing a patent portfolio analysis, Patentgruppen is able to assess whether the patent portfolio matches your company’s present and future business activities. The result of the analysis may be used to optimize the portfolio, for example by increasing the size of the portfolio or by performing adjustments in existing patent applications of the portfolio.

In Patentgruppen we are good at seeing the limitations of your portfolio, and in particular to spot opportunities of improving your portfolio.